Cards of Infrastructures Projects
Project Consistency :
This project consists of the realization of:
Building :
The construction of a new terminal with an area of 69,000m². This new terminal is built on 4 levels:
- Basement: with a total area of 16,300 m², including:
- Automatic baggage handling systems;
- Dedicated Area to technical installations.
- Ground floor level: with an area of approximately 31,800 m2, including:
- Public hall, a space of which will be dedicated to the exhibition of model aircraft;
- Passenger and baggage check-in area with a new layout of counters;
- Space dedicated to inspection and filtering (PIF);
- Departure hall for remote posts;
- Baggage delivery zone;
- Space dedicated to passport controls on arrival;
- Red and green circuits for customs control on arrival.
- Level 1: over an area of 2,500 m² dedicated to passengers disembarkation by 6 telescopic gangways and equipped with moving walkways
- Level 2: with a total area of 18,400 m²:
- Departure hall for contact positions;
- Commercial gallery fitted out according to the new concept of commercial walkthrough;
- Food court and other passenger services.